Now that smartphones and tablet computers are everywhere, your business needs to be everywhere, including Google Places. What is Google Places, and why is it important to be proactive with your Google Places listing? Google Places makes your brick-and-mortar business or office show up on a potential customer’s screen when they search using Google or […]
About Lee
Lee is a computer expert and writer with a background in technical writing, Internet marketing, blogging and website design.
3 Reasons Why Email Marketing Helps Grow Your Business
Sending the right emails at the right time to your opt-in list is one of the best ways to grow your business. No matter what other marketing you are doing — print, radio, TV, social media, Facebook, Twitter, SMS text marketing, phone calls, direct mail, brochures, networking, business cards, word-of-mouth — email marketing has an […]

Save Time by Offloading Business Tasks to Fiverr
Have you ever wanted to just hand off a task at work, with no strings attached? We have discovered an economical and quick way to find someone to do a single task for as little as a fiver ($5). It’s called and here are some of the useful business tasks they offer: write a […]

How to Choose from Six Top Social Media Sites: Advice for Small Businesses
If you have a small business, you are feeling the pressure to use social media to connect with your customers and prospects. But which social media sites are worth tackling? It depends on your business, your market and the talents you bring to the table. Start by using this guide to the top 6 social […]

Get More Customers By Posting Your Company’s Videos on YouTube
Did you know that YouTube is the second-largest search engine? All types of businesses can benefit from creating and posting their own videos on YouTube. If you have a good budget for marketing, the possibilities are endless. But even a modest budget can allow you to make videos that bring traffic to your website — […]

Mobile Text and SMS Marketing – How it Can Help Local Businesses Make More Money
SMS marketing, also called mobile text marketing, is an increasingly important means of bringing in customers and keeping in touch with them. According to CITA, there is slightly more than one active cell phone per person in the United States (November 2011). This is an enormous opportunity to reach a vast and growing marketplace. Remember, […]

Facebook Business Page 7 Steps to Success
Maybe you are wondering what all the excitement is over Facebook business pages. Perhaps you have created one and aren’t seeing results. Here are some tips to move forward. If You Haven’t Already, Start Your Page. You’ll need to budget time or money to set up a professional-looking Facebook business page. If you know how […]